Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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15 January 2015 News flash

The Police Department's Address Ceremony

Copy Rigth Charly Gallo Centre de Presse

The Police Commissioner, Mr. Régis Asso, extended his wishes for the New Year at the Police Department's traditional ceremony this morning, in the presence of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, Mr. Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, who is responsible for the duties of the Minister of State, Mr. Patrice Cellario, Minister of Interior and numerous dignitari

After recalling the attacks that affected Paris so severely, H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince emphasised that the Principality's forces of order have been mobilised to strengthen their presence and ensure the necessary vigilance in our own territory.  He added that "The Principality is not immune from and cannot necessarily consider itself safe from any malicious acts.  To ensure an adequate long-term approach, I have decided to increase the staff of the Police Department by creating 10 new posts."

To conclude his speech, H.S.H. Prince Albert II announced:  "In 2016, which has just begun, Mr. Régis Asso, the current Police Commissioner, will retire.  I should like to thank him for his effective, calm work.  I am grateful that he has put his experience at the service of our country and has managed this important State department in an efficient manner.  The Chief Superintendent, Richard Marangoni, who is currently Deputy Police Commissioner, will be asked to succeed him.  I am delighted that a Monegasque national is taking up such an important post after a career that is worthy of praise in every aspect."

Mr. Régis Asso went on to give an overview of the 2015 security policy with, inter alia, a significant decrease of 8.80% in general crime.  Emphasising that these results are a consequence of the crime prevention mission assigned to the Police Department, he recalled that a strong presence on the streets and officers' strong motivation are very dissuasive.

Finally, the Police Commissioner pointed out that, due to the particularly tense international situation, it had been agreed to make significant efforts to develop intelligence assignments.  Therefore, the General Intelligence Section (SIGER) had played a major role throughout the year in collecting a large amount of intelligence in this respect.

Mr. Asso ended by mentioning the project to extend the Police Department's premises in 2016.



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