Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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12 December 2022 News flash

Official opening of Cap Fleuri Residence

©Direction de la Communication / Stéphane Danna

The new Cap Fleuri Residence was officially opened recently by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince. The opening was attended by Christophe Robino, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, representing H.E. the Minister of State; Monseigneur Dominique-Marie David, Archbishop of Monaco; Brigitte Boccone-Pagès, President of the National Council; Céline Caron-Dagioni, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development; Caroline Rougaignon-Vernin, Deputy Chair of the Princess Grace Hospital Board of Directors; Benoîte Rousseau de Sevelinges, Director of Princess Grace Hospital; Damien Aimé, Assistant Manager for the Cap Fleuri Residence; Dr Sandrine Louchart de la Chapelle, Head of the Gerontology Department; and a number of other dignitaries.

Cap Fleuri is part of a broad plan for gerontological care developed at a national level to tackle the challenges posed by an ageing population. In this context, the medical aspects, developed by Dr Louchart de la Chappelle, are based on the complementarity of the care home sector and the hospital sector, and are supplemented with plans for nursing care provision. The goals are to offer appropriate medical and nursing care, contribute high-level medical and nursing expertise and delay, for as long as possible, any loss of independence or provide support to those affected.

Thanks to the construction work which has been carried out, 78 residents can now be accommodated at the care and living facility, which will be staffed by 95 professionals. In addition to the rooms, the residence features a therapy bathroom, two physiotherapy rooms, a recreation room, a chapel, a shop and two large terraces. The residence also provides hotel service, designed to offer residents maximum comfort in terms of accommodation and extremely high quality catering.

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