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19 January 2017 News flash

Police Department New Year address

Surrounding H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, from left to right: Mr Laurent Braulio, Superintendent, Head of Urban Policing Division; Mr Christophe Haget, Chief Superintendent, Head of Criminal Investigation Division; Mr Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior; Mr Richard Marangoni, Police Commissioner; H.E. Mr Serge Telle, Minister of State; Mr Régis Bastide, Superintendent, Head of Administration and Training Division; Mr Rémy Le Juste, Superintendent, Head of Administrative Police Division and Mr Patrick Reynier, Chief Constable, Head of Marine and Airport Police Division © Government Communication Department / Manuel Vitali

The Police Commissioner gave his New Year address on Thursday, in the presence of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, H.E. Mr Serge Telle, the Minister of State, Mr Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior, and numerous other figures during the traditional event at the Police Department.

In his speech, H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince said: “I would like to take the opportunity afforded by this occasion to publicly acknowledge how satisfied I am with what has been achieved. I would add that my Government has listened to the Police Department in deciding to create additional posts, a move designed to relieve the time pressures faced by staff and to maintain, over the long term, a police presence at various sensitive locations in the Principality.”

Mr Richard Marangoni gave an overview of security policy in 2016, which led to Police Department staff facing significant pressures in their day-to-day work, in light of the particularly tense international situation.

 The year drew to a close with some very encouraging crime statistics. Compared with the previous year, there was a decline of:

  • 13.73% in general crime
  • 35.74% in road traffic offences
  • 22.22% in burglaries and 50% in car theft

Finally, the Police Commissioner presented a new strategic project to “understand the challenges of tomorrow.” This project is titled Police 2020 and seeks to develop various international and technical approaches.

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