Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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25 January 2022 News flash

Employment Tribunal Annual General Meeting

©Direction de la Communication / Stéphane Danna

The Employment Tribunal held its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 19 January 2022.

This legal year has seen a rise in the number of petitions submitted to the Court Clerk (83 compared with 69), an increase in rulings issued (from 50 to 65) and a rise in the backlog (303 cases pending on 30 September 2021, compared with 280 on 30 September 2020).

During this Annual General Meeting, the members elected a new board, appointing Michel Gramaglia as Chairman and Karim Tabchiche as Vice-Chairman, complying with the requirement set out in the legislation for a change in leadership.

At the end of the meeting, the members welcomed Robert Gelli, Secretary of Justice, and Didier Gamerdinger, Minister of Health and Social Affairs.

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