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28 September 2020 News flash

Philosophical Encounters of Monaco Award Ceremony 2020

© Les Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco / Olivier Gallien

The Philosophical Encounters of Monaco Award Ceremony 2020 was held at La Scala Paris on 24 September. The ceremony was hosted by philosopher Raphael Zagury-Orly, a founding member of Philosophical Encounters, and attended by the organisation’s President, Charlotte Casiraghi, philosophers and founding members Joseph Cohen and Robert Maggiori, members of the jury and the finalists. Awards were presented to the following winners:

- Vincent Delecroix for his book Apprendre à perdre [Learning to Lose] - Bibliothèque Rivages / Éditions Payot & Rivages, 2019, Philosophical Encounters of Monaco Award.

- Éditions Galilée (publishing house founded in 1971 by Michel Delorme), Philosophical Encounters of Monaco Honourable Mention.

In another highlight of the evening, 2019 award winner Marie Garrau gave a lecture on the theme “What is philosophy?”. Composer and pianist Francesco Tristano then took the stage with a performance of a piece by Bach and two of his own compositions.

A recording of the evening is available via the website www.philomonaco.com

Clips can be found by following @philomonaco on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Philosophical Encounters of Monaco: contact@philomonaco.com



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