Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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All the publications

A Modern State

Logo JDA

Journal de l'Administration

Issue 86 02 November 2018

Created in June 2008 as part of the process of modernisation of the administr...

See publications
Baromètre des politiques publiques 2016

Public policy barometer

Issue 1 03 February 2017

The barometer is a good measure of the effectiveness of actions taken by the...

See publication
Couverture .MC n°12

• MC

Issue 10 11 January 2016

Supplement to JDA, the Civil Service newsletter published by the Prince's Gov...

See publications
Couverture Guide des achats responsables

Guide to responsible purchases

Issue 1 07 November 2013

This guide, designed in the form of 10 thematic fact sheets, is intended to b...

See publication

Guide to responsible food purchasing

Issue 1 17 May 2013

Better Eating Day to Day...The aim of this eco-guide is to help anyone who wo...

See publication
Guide de l'Agent écoresponsable - Guide de l'Agent écoresponsable

Eco-Friendly Money Guide

Issue 1 17 October 2011

This guide was designed for civil servants and other Government officials wit...

See publication


Monaco Worldwide

Brochure Monaco Collectif Humanitaire - Couverture

Brochure Monaco Collectif Humanitaire

Issue 1 25 July 2023

En 2008, à l’occasion des 50 ans de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco, plu...

See publication
Couverture du dépliant Volontaires Internationaux de Monaco

Dépliant Volontaires Internationaux de Monaco

Issue 1 13 February 2020

Le volontariat de solidarité internationale consiste à renforcer les ressourc...

See publication
brochure dci

Monegasque Cooperation for development - Programs

Issue 1 03 July 2016

Priorities and actions of the Monegasque Cooperation.

See publication
Monaco Collectif Haïti - Construction de l'école primaire à Port-au-Prince

Monaco Haiti Collective information bulletins

Issue 2 12 September 2012

Following the earthquake on 12 January 2010, and in line with H.S.H. the Sove...

See publications
Monaco Collectif Humanitaire, Bulletin d'information n°3

Monaco Humanitarian Collective information bulletins

Issue 3 10 May 2012

In 2008, on the occasion of the 50th birthday of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, all...

See publications

Social Affairs and Health

Pôle Santé 2015 - Couverture

Health: a priority for Monaco

Issue 1 26 March 2015

The “Healthcare” leaflet is a first for Monaco. Providing everyone with acces...

See publication

The Economy

Barometer Retail trade

Barometer – Retail trade

Issue 104 12 February 2024

The aim of this barometer is to supply early information on changes in the re...

See publications
couverture focus


Issue 150 20 July 2023

"Focus", the periodical published by Monaco Statistics is a source...

See publications
Couverture Observatoire Industrie

Industry Observatory

Issue 14 30 December 2022

The objective of this observatory is to present a summary of the figures of t...

See publications
Rapports COVID-19

Rapports COVID-19

Issue 32 14 October 2022

Since the very beginning of the health crisis, the IMSEE has been working to...

See publications
Couverture Observatoire Commerce de détail

Retail Trade Observatory

Issue 17 26 August 2022

The objective of this observatory is to present a summary of the figures of t...

See publications
Couverture Monaco en Chiffres 2024

Monaco in Figures 2024

Issue 8 29 June 2022

Monaco Statistics offers free access to the chapters of "Monaco in figur...

See publications
Couverture BTE

Economy Bulletin

Issue 61 21 September 2020

The Economy Bulletin offers key figures of Monegasque economic acti...

See publications
Couverture Observatoire Démographie

Demography Observatory

Issue 11 30 April 2020

The aim of the Demography Observatory is to present the main demographic indi...

See publications
Couverture Monaco en Chiffres 2020

Archives of "monaco en chiffres"

Issue 25 27 June 2019

Monaco Statistics publishes several reports, including "monaco en chiffr...

See publications
Couverture Observatoire Commerce extérieur

Foreign Trade Observatory

Issue 19 18 April 2019

The objective of the Foreign Trade Observatory is to analyse trade in goods b...

See publications
Couverture Observatoire Immobilier

Real-Estate Observatory

Issue 17 14 February 2019

The objective of this Observatory is to present one of the sectors of the Mon...

See publications
Logo Recensement

Population census

Issue 3 14 February 2018

The census of the population, carried out on average once every 10 years, all...

See publications
Couverture PIB - ©IMSEE

GDP Reports

Issue 18 10 November 2017

The GDP of the Principality, which is calculated since 2005, is published in...

See publications
Couverture monaco statistics pocket 2017

"monaco statistics pocket"

Issue 11 29 June 2017

The Monegasque Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies publishes variou...

See publications
Enquête prime industrielle

Survey of recipients of Industrial Subsidies

Issue 1 05 April 2016

In a global context in which the industrial sector is faced with changes in...

See publication

Study : Rent Controlled Housing Sector of Private Tenure

Issue 2 04 June 2013

Monaco Statistics (IMSEE) has carried out a descriptive study of the sector k...

See publications

Housing survey

Issue 3 19 July 2012

Following the third meeting of the Scientific Council, Monaco Statisticshas p...

See publications

The Environment

visuel SNB

The national biodiversity strategy for 2030

Issue 1 16 January 2023

The national biodiversity strategy (SNB) is the Government's commitment and c...

See publication
Plastique à usage unique

Alternatives to single-use plastic tableware

Issue 6 29 March 2020

As part of its Zero Waste policy and in order to achieve the ambitious goal o...

See publications
Couv plaquette environnement 2019

Monaco Environment booklet

Issue 15 10 May 2019

This booklet, which is published annually, is a communications tool to set ou...

See publications
Commerce engagé

The latest news of the Responsible Trading and Responsible Restaurant Certifications

Issue 14 06 November 2018

The "Responsible Trading" and "Responsible Restaurant" ce...

See publications
Couv recueil 2018

The Environment in the Principality of Monaco – Data Compendium

Issue 17 04 April 2018

“The Environment in the Principality of Monaco – Data Compendium” sets out th...

See publications
Energy Transition White Paper of Monaco

Energy Transition White Paper of Monaco

Issue 1 23 March 2017

The Principality of Monaco made a commitment to cut its greenhouse gas emissi...

See publication
Guide Baignade Couverture

Guide to responsible, safe bathing in the Principality

Issue 1 08 May 2015

As part of missions to monitor the quality of bathing water and raise public...

See publication
Code l'Arbre (couverture) - Le Code de l'Arbre

The Tree Code

Issue 1 23 February 2012

The Tree Code describes the measures taken to protect trees and some plants i...

See publication



ESPAD 2015 survey

Issue 1 20 April 2017

The Prince’s Government has recently received the results of the ESPAD (Europ...

See publication
Enquête auprès des étudiants boursiers

Enquiry Regarding Applicants for Study Grants

Issue 1 23 July 2015

The Prince's Government places great importance on supporting students in the...

See publication