Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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07 September 2020 News flash

2020–2021 school year begins!

©Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi

On 7 September 2020, Minister of State H.E. Mr Pierre Dartout visited Lycée Albert I upon the return of Year 13 (Terminale) pupils, who will sit the newly reformed General Baccalaureate examinations next June.

H.E. the Minister of State was accompanied by Mr Patrice Cellario, Minister of the Interior, and Ms Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport.

During the early afternoon, H.E. the Minister of State, Mgr David, Archbishop of Monaco, Mr Patrice Cellario and Ms Isabelle Bonnal were also keen to meet students and staff at the François d’Assise-Nicolas Barré primary school.

After witnessing the return of the five-year-old (Grande Section) nursery pupils, H.E. the Minister of State chatted to Year 2 (CP) and Year 5 (CM1) pupils and teaching staff.

During his discussions at the Principality’s schools, H.E. the Minister of State asked pupils how they felt about returning to school this year. They told him that they were happy to be able to get back to their lessons and to be with their friends again.

In the course of his visits, H.E. the Minister of State also welcomed the rigorous compliance with health guidelines on the part of all pupils and staff.

This September marks the beginning of a new school year for the 518 teachers and 5,774 pupils enrolled in Monaco’s schools.

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