Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
10 October 2017 News flash

Serge Telle Receives AMAF Certification Holders

©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

On Tuesday, in the presence of the authorities, the Minister of State, Serge Telle, received employees who had been awarded the Monegasque Professional Certification.  This certification was instigated by the Prince's Government on the initiative of the Monegasque Association for Financial Activities (AMAF). 

This mandatory certification scheme entered into force on 2 May 2014.  Its objective is to increase the level of skills of employees of Monegasque banks and management companies and enhance the sector's reputation for excellence.  This professional certification is aimed at all "Front Office" employees, i.e. those who are in contact with customers or markets, and their direct managers.  Since its inception, more than 200 professionals have been awarded this certification. 

In his speech, Serge Telle congratulated AMAF "for its important work, especially with regard to the regulation and organisation of the financial professions, which guarantee excellence and legitimacy and promote the Monegasque financial sector, particularly at the international level, and the involvement of professionals."

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