Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
06 September 2016 News flash

Partnership with Sciences Po Menton Campus on international development challenges enters third year

At the beginning of the new academic year, a team from the Department of International Cooperation gave a presentation to students on the activities offered as part of the partnership between the Prince’s Government and the Paris Institute of Political Studies, also known as Sciences Po.Initiated in 2014, the partnership aims to raise the awareness of students at the Middle East-Mediterranean Campus in Menton – future decision makers – of the challenges involved in international development. 

During the 2016/2017 academic year, students will be able to take part in the second “Solidarity Challenge”, a competition created by the Department of International Cooperation (DCI). Students will have a term in which to work in teams to design a development project to support vulnerable children in Morocco. The three most compelling projects will receive a grant from the DCI for implementation during 2017.

In November, students at the Menton Campus will participate in No Time Left, the short film festival focused on the Sustainable Development Goals, as members of the jury for the Student Prize.

Finally, in January 2017, a week on the theme of “Humanitarian crises and refugees” will be organised on the Campus. Throughout the week, representatives from international organisations and DCI partner NGOs* will offer the students a comprehensive overview of the issues.

The Prince’s Government will also continue to support two students at the Campus through university grants.

*International Committee of the Red Cross, Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, World Food Programme, Handicap International, etc.





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