Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
20 December 2016 News flash

Young Monegasques' Evening in Paris


On 13 December, H.E. Mr. Claude Cottalorda, Ambassador of Monaco to France, invited young Monegasques and denizens living in Paris to a reception, so they could share a time of conviviality prior to the festive period.

The Ambassador, his wife and diplomats from the Embassy of Monaco in France were host to fifty or so young students, most of whom live at the Monaco Foundation at the City of Paris International University (CIUP).  Ms. Karine Lemon-Médecin, Director of the Monaco Foundation, was also present.

At this evening event, the young students took part in a quiz organised by the Ambassador and his staff.  The questions related mainly to various aspects of the Principality of Monaco – Institutions, the arts, culture, history, heritage, etc.

All the students answered the questions brilliantly.  The three finalists and happy winners, who reached the highest level of difficulty, each received a gift.

Note that several questions were relayed on the Twitter account of the Embassy of Monaco in France, and Twitter users also answered these questions.

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