Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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08 February 2017 News flash

Start of Work to Create a Pedestrian Walkway for the Sainte Dévote Bridge

Le plan des des travaux de création de la galerie piétonne du Pont Sainte Dévote

To improve traffic flow at the exit of the station by the Sainte Dévote Bridge (Pont sainte Dévote), the Government has initiated work to create a direct pedestrian link between the upper hall of the station and the downward pavement in the Boulevard Princesse Charlotte.

Prior to carrying out the earthworks of the future walkway, work on the first phase of rerouting the service networks on the corner of the Boulevard de Suisse and the Boulevard Princesse Charlotte is scheduled for the week of 20 February 2017.

Some preliminary work is planned for the previous week, between Monday 13 and Friday 17 February 2017.  It concerns:

  • Moving the "Pont Sainte Dévote" bus stop, which is situated in front of the Armida Palace, 20 metres or so further up from the Saint Devota Bridge for the duration of the work, i.e. for approximately 22 months.
    • The occupation of part of the downward section of the carriageway in the Boulevard Princesse Charlotte by installations for the future construction site.
    • Removing some of the parking spaces in the upper section of the Boulevard de Suisse.
    • Erecting huts on the construction site during the night, by means of a crane, on 13 February, on the roof terrace situated above the access to the station car park. 

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