Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
15 December 2017 News flash

Three Michel Blazy works on display at Villa Sauber – NMNM 16 December 2017 to 18 March 2018

© - Direction de la Communication - Manu Vitali

Continuing its reflection on conserving artistic heritage and the relationship with time, the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco welcomes artist Michel Blazy to Villa Sauber.

Born in Monaco, Michel Blazy has gained an international reputation thanks to his installations integrating living things.

Three works are being exhibited at Villa Sauber:

-        Nature molle (acquired by the NMNM in 2009), consisting of fruits and vegetables coated in flake glue on a cloth made of the same material, invites the public to trace the slow transformation and then disappearance of its components, including crockery made of agar agar;

-        Collection des chaussures (co-produced by the NMNM and the Prince’s Government’s Department of Cultural Affairs for the most recent Venice Biennale) is a presentation of old shoes with plants growing in them. The sculpture is held within a frame which diffuses light and an irrigation system allows the plants to grow;

-        Peau de bête (NMNM collection) has been created from cotton onto which several layers of a chocolate cream dessert have been applied.

The notion of time, which is very much present and different for each work, underpins this exhibition

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