Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
17 April 2019 News flash

Monaco's Women's Rights Officer is Received by the Ambassador of Canada


Céline Cottalorda, Monaco's Women's Rights Officer, was received by H.E. Isabelle Hudon, Ambassador of Canada to France and the Principality of Monaco, at the Embassy of Canada in Paris on Monday 15 April 2019. 

In particular, Céline Cottalorda presented the missions and action plan of the Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women's Rights, the aim of which is to coordinate, implement and evaluate national policies to promote equality between women and men and combat violence and discrimination against women. 

At a very fruitful meeting, which was also attended by Séverine Dusaintpère, First Secretary at the Embassy of Monaco in France and Cyrille Sanchez, Political Attaché at the Embassy of Canada in France, Ms. Cottalorda and H.E. Isabelle Hudon discussed the prospects for sharing experience and good practices, as well as possible synergies between the two countries, especially in the area of gender equality, an area in which Canada has been very involved for many years.

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