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31 March 2023 News flash

“George Condo – Humanoids” at the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco - 31 March to 1 October – Villa Paloma

According to George Condo, “the Humanoid is not a science fiction monster, it is a form of representation that uses traditional means to bring out the inner emotions onto the surface of a person.” The mimetic ideal that has dominated painting through the ages has given rise to countless depictions that are “similar” or “comparable” to humans. However, only a few rare effigies have reached the stage of “humanoids” or “golems” on the threshold of coming to life. Rembrandt’s portraits are among these.

But what about a form of modern painting where the “truth” of the medium (abstraction) has replaced a realist project rendered obsolete by the invention of photography. Rising to the challenge, George Condo has shifted modern painting towards the “almost human”. He has tackled the problem at source, seizing Cubism, reversing its intentions and humanising it. He had become a champion for “psychological Cubism”, seeking to identify in the distortions of Picasso or Braque not the advent of “pure painting” but a realistic exploration of the human psyche. In doing so, Condo is following in the footsteps of Fénéon who, when he visited Picasso’s studio while Demoiselles d’Avignon was being created, advised the still young artist to devote himself to caricature. Condo has pursued a similar path, placing Cubist distortion on the same level as the caricaturists: a unique way to reinvent figurative art.

Through a series of six sections, the exhibition traces the continuity of a prolific body of work ranging from “extraterrestrials” to Who’s Who, from Guido Reni to Bugs Bunny. Featuring specially produced paintings, it offers visitors an insight into the process – as crazy as it is erudite – of producing Humanoids.

Practical information: www.nmnm.mc

Social media: @nmnmonaco #nmnmonaco #villapaloma #georgecondo #georgecondohumanoides #humanoides

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