Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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02 October 2017 News flash

Reopening of the Courts and Tribunals

Crédit photo : © Charly Gallo / Direction de la Communication

The formal sitting to mark the start of the new session for the Principality’s courts and tribunals took place on Monday 2 October 2017 at the Palais de Justice, in the presence of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince.  It was preceded by a celebration of the Mass of the Holy Spirit in Monaco Cathedral and marks the start of the 2017/2018 judicial year for the Monegasque courts and tribunals.

 The official speech to mark the start of the new season was given by Brigitte Grinda-Gambarini, First President of the Court of Appeal.  This was followed by a speech on the theme of environmental protection and sustainable development in the Principality by Françoise Dornier, First Judge at the Court of First Instance.  Then, Jacques Doremieux, Public Prosecutor, wished Laurent Anselmi every success as Director of Justice, before requesting the President of the Court of Appeal to open the new judicial year.

Brigitte Grinda-Gambarini concluded the Sitting by recalling the need for Justice to "substitute dialogue for distrust and continue to share this common value (...) -  Ethics. "

application/pdf Discours B. Grinda-Gambarini, Rentrée 2017 (506.83 kB)

application/pdf Discours F. Dornier, Rentrée 2017 (556.45 kB)

application/pdf Discours Jacques Dorémieux, Rentrée 2017 (504.11 kB)

application/pdf ACTIVITE DES JURIDICTIONS MONACO 2017 A5 (663.82 kB)

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