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21 November 2017 News flash

Annual Meeting of the Consular Corps

H.E. Mr. Serge Telle, Minister of State, opening the Annual Meeting of the Consular Corps ©Government Communication Department/Manuel Vitali

On Monday 20 November 2017, H.E. Mr. Serge Telle opened the Annual Consular Meeting, held in the Eiffel Room of the Hotel Hermitage Monte-Carlo.  In his introductory remarks, the Minister of State congratulated the consular network on its dynamism.

Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, then explained the new way in which the Department of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation is organised and gave an update on the state of negotiations with the European Union, before giving the floor to the various speakers, including the President of the Monaco Economic Board, the Secretary General of the SBM, the Director of Monaco Tech, the Special Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Director General of the Oceanographic Institute and the President of Monaco Scientific Centre.  These speeches featured an assessment of the joint operations undertaken in 2017 by the Monaco Economic Board and those planned for 2018, the SBM's short- and medium-term projects, a presentation on MonacoTech and Monaco Explorations for 2017-2020 and the voluntary implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Many of the members of Monaco's Diplomatic and Consular Corps abroad and Monaco's Honorary Consuls of Monaco from all continents were present at this meeting, which marked the end of celebrations for the Monegasque National Day.

As a reminder, as at 30 October 2017, the Principality had 133 Consulates, active in 80 States, and 89 countries were represented in Monaco by a Consul (honorary or career). 

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