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18 May 2018 News flash

The Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation Presents the Selection of Works Shortlisted for the "High School Students' Favourite Choice" 2018

© - Direction de la Communication - Manu Vitali

The jury for the "High School Students' Favourite Choice" 2018, comprised of Year 11 high school students from the Lycée Albert I, Monaco's Vocational and Catering School (Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco) and the Lycée FANB, met this Thursday to draw up the list of works selected for the "High School Students' Favorite Choice 2018". 

The works they selected were as follows: 

Jean-Baptiste Andrea for Ma reine (My Queen)*, Editions de l’Iconoclaste

Emmanuelle Favier for Le courage qu’il faut aux rivières (The Courage Needed for Rivers), Editions Albin Michel

Pascale Lecosse for Mademoiselle, à la folie ! (Mademoiselle, Crazily!), Editions de la Martinière

Olivier Rogez for L’ivresse du sergent Dida (The Drunkenness of Sergeant Dida), Editions Le Passage

Charlotte Pons for Parmi les miens (Among My Own), Editions Flammarion


Created in 2007 in connection with the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation's Literary Prize, this "Favourite Choice" prize will be awarded as part of the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation's Prize announcement ceremony on Thursday 4 October 2018 at the Salle Garnier.


The next highlight for the students will be a meeting with the authors of the books selected on Wednesday 6 June at Monaco's Vocational and Catering School

* Translations provided for information purposes only.

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