Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
18 April 2018 News flash

Rescue exercise on board Simon Stevin

© - Direction de la Communication - Manu Vitali

A rescue exercise, led by the Marine and Airport Police Division (DPMA) with assistance from the Monaco Fire and Emergency Service, was recently held on board the Simon Stevin in the offshore urban extension project zone. The Department of Maritime Affairs and Bouygues Travaux Publics also took part in the exercise, the scenario for which involved the evacuation of a sailor injured in the vessel’s engine room. 

The DPMA first secured the area of water using their boat La Vigilante, following which firefighters were able to attend to the victim in situ before evacuating him back to land on board the tug Shoalbuster, made available by Bouygues Travaux Publics. 

The Simon Stevin is the vessel that is filling the foundations on which the caissons for the offshore urban extension will be moored.

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