Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
25 April 2018 News flash

Offshore Urban Extension – Press Tour of the Ship "Simon Stevin"

copyright - Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

A Press Tour of the ship "Simon Stevin" took place this morning in connection with the offshore urban extension project.  This ship is being used to lay the foundation embankment on which the caissons for the project will be placed.  The "Simon Stevin" was built for the German group Jan de Nul and specialises in dredging and in building embankments at sea.  At 192m, this ship is the largest underwater rock installation vessel in the world.

Following the visit, a Press Briefing was held in the presence of Valérie Davenet, Director of the Environment, representing the Monegasque State, Régis Adeline, Director General of the SAM L'Anse du Portier and Christophe Hirsinger, Director of Bouygues Travaux Publics Monaco.  The following topics were discussed at this meeting:  the numerous environmental actions undertaken and provisions relating to water turbidity, the quality of bathing water and the acoustic measures that have been implemented.

The phasing of the work was also addressed.  Work on the embankment, for which the presence of the "Simon Stevin" is required and which constitutes the current phase of the work, should be completed by the first fortnight of June 2018 at the latest.

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