Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
29 April 2016 News flash

Conference of Ministers of Justice and Representatives of the Judiciary in Sofia, Bulgaria

Caption:  H.E. Mr. Philippe Narmino and Ms. Brigitte Grinda-Gambarini © DR

H.E. Mr. Philippe Narmino, Minister Plenipotentiary, Secretary of Justice and Ms. Brigitte Grinda-Gambarini, First President of the Court of Appeal, represented Monaco at a high-level conference of Ministers of Justice and Representatives from the judiciary on the theme of "Strengthening Judicial Independence and Impartiality as a Pre-condition for the Rule of Law in Council of Europe Member States," which was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 21 and 22 April 2016. 

In its general objectives, the action plan adopted by the conference recognises "the diversity of legal systems, constitutional positions and approaches to the separation of powers in the member States of the Council of Europe … " 



This plan centres on three main areas, set out in a series of measures: 

  • Protecting and strengthening the judicial system in its relations with the executive and legislative powers;
  • Protecting the independence of judges individually and ensuring their impartiality;
  • Strengthening the independence of the Public Prosecution Department.

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