Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
04 February 2019 News flash

The Alcatel Lucent Enterprise in Monaco Celebrates its 100th anniversary

Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy. ©Government Communication Department/Stéphane Danna

Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, gave a welcoming address to the 1,000 or so employees and guests who had gathered at the Grimaldi Forum for two days to celebrate the centenary of the Alcatel Lucent Enterprise (ALE).  This anniversary was an opportunity for the Group's management to present a vision of an innovative, futuristic company for the next 100 years, in five key areas:  the public sector, e-Transport, e-Education, e-Health and e-Hotels.

At the close of this event, Albert Croesi, Managing Director of Monaco Inter Expo and General Commissioner of Monaco's Pavilion at the EXPO DUBAI 2020 Universal Exhibition, signed a partnership with Jack Chen, CEO of the ALE Group, to equip Monaco's Pavilion with the latest technological innovations that have been developed by the ALE.  Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Digital Officer, spoke on Monaco's wish to set out an ambitious economic model that respects its values and its DNA in today's connected, digital world.

Jack Chen, CEO of the Alcatel Lucent Enterprise Group (left) and Albert Croesi, Managing Director of Monaco Inter Expo and General Commissioner of Monaco's Pavilion at the EXPO DUBAI 2020 Universal Exhibition (right). In the background, from left to right:   Alexandre Bocquillon, Monaco Inter Expo, Thierry Bonnin, Senior Vice-President, Verticals and Strategic Partnerships, ALE, Rukmini Glanard, Executive Vice-President, Sales and Marketing, ALE and Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Digital Officer. ©Government Communication Department/Stéphane Danna

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