Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
22 May 2020 News flash

CORONAVIRUS: No Positive Case this Friday

No positive case of COVID-19 were identified on Thursday 22 May.

The overall health figures for the Principality therefore remain at 97 people affected by the Coronavirus. 

The total number of people who have now recovered therefore stands at 90.

 One person is in intensive care at Princess Grace Hospital.

 It should be noted that the people tested and hospitalised are not all residents in the Principality.

In keeping with the principle adopted by the health authorities in the Principality of Monaco, only patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms are being hospitalised.

People with mild symptoms are asked to self-isolate at home while being medically monitored. 

To date, two patients are being monitored by the Home Patient Follow-up Centre.






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