Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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06 June 2019 News flash

Princess Grace Hospital celebrates Sustainable Development Day

Hospital staff celebrate Sustainable Development Day © Government Communication Department/Michael Alesi

To mark World Environment Day on Wednesday 5 June, Princess Grace Hospital organised its own annual day devoted to sustainable development.

The aim of the day was to highlight the numerous actions that the hospital is taking to protect the environment, such as its fleet of electric vehicles, the kitchen garden created by Terre de Monaco, and waste recycling.

The day featured stands, including one manned by the Mission for Energy Transition (Princess Grace Hospital signed the national pact in February 2019) and another by Terre de Monaco, as well as events for staff and the general public, for example on recycling with SMA. It attracted a large number of visitors.

Street artist Anthony Alberti created a new work live, customising the bike sheds built by hospital staff from recycled pallets.

Princess Grace Hospital Director Benoîte de Sevelinges took advantage of the day to announce the introduction of an annual soft mobility bonus for staff who travel to work every day by bike or by a vehicle (whether bike, scooter or car) that is 100% electric.

This initiative supplements the car sharing/parking and public transport bonuses which are already in operation. A real incentive to opt for soft mobility and get fit!


Anthony Alberti and Princess Grace Hospital Director Benoîte de Sevelinges Day © Government Communication Department/Michael Alesi

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