Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
23 August 2017 News flash

Astana EXPO 2015 - Presentation on a New Life for Monaco's 2015 Pavilion


On Tuesday 22 August 2017, Fréderic Platini, Secretary General of the Monegasque Red Cross, gave a lecture on the new life of Monaco's Pavilion from the Milan Expo, which is being re-used in Loumbila, Burkina Faso.

The Principality was the first country to design a pavilion that could be taken apart and recycled.  The result, as seen in Loumbila, is breathtaking.  The audience, comprised of curators from pavilions of the participating countries in Astana, as well as the Directors and the President of the Kazakh Red Crescent, was enthusiastic about the Principality's action via the Monegasque Red Cross.

This lecture aroused real interest and is very likely to encourage other countries to reflect on their future participation in this regard.


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