Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
04 April 2014 News flash

How do you travel?

To better understand how people travel around and make the most of the resulting studies, the Prince's Government, through the Department of Forward Studies, Urban Planning and Mobility (DPUM), is launching a major mobility survey for people who live, work or study in the Principality.  If as many people as possible take part in this survey, it will make it possible to adapt travel facilities accordingly and improve the service offered.

Questionnaires are available on line at this address:http://enquete-mobilite.gouv.mc/index_en.html or can be collected from the offices of the Department of Forward Studies, Urban Planning and Mobility (DPUM).

Further information: http://en.gouv.mc/Portail-du-gouvernement/Policy-Practice/Quality-of-Life/News/How-Do-You-Travel-Around

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