Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
28 November 2017 News flash

Meeting of the Committee on Monetary Agreement between the European Union and Monaco

©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

A meeting of the Committee on Monetary Agreement between the European Union and Monaco was held yesterday in the Principality.

This meeting was chaired by Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, and brought together, for the European Union, authorities from the French banking and financial sectors, the European Commission and the ECB.

On the agenda were the traditional programme of minting Monegasque coins for 2018, the regulation of the banking system and combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

This meeting took place in a constructive atmosphere, as it has done since the signing of the Monetary Agreement in 2001.

Following the meeting, the European Commission will publish the annexes to the Monetary Agreement containing the updated EU acquis for the areas covered by the Agreement.

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