Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
22 November 2016 News flash

Julien Prévieux Reactivates His Performance at the Villa Paloma of What Shall We Do Next (Séquence #3)

©Direction de la Communication / Charly Gallo

On Friday 18 and Sunday 20 November 2016, in connection with the exhibition "Dance, Dance, Dance" at the Villa Paloma, the NMNM invited Julien Prévieux to present his performance of What Shall We Do Next (Séquence #3), interpreted by Marion Carriau, Sophie Demeyer, K. Goldstein and Kate Moran.

Julien Prévieux's third work sequence takes the form of a series of "modules" of short choreographic performances that are a continuation of the idea put forward in the video projection, the central issue of which is "To whom do our gestures belong?"

His collection of gestures patented by businesses, initiated in 2006, has continued to grow, and if the gestures of eight years ago have now become commonplace, and some almost obsolete (unlocking a mobile phone screen, pinching and moving outwards to change the scale, etc.), the gestures of the future, which are related to domotics or an ever more realistic experience of the virtual world, are still echoed in history and science fiction.  This is how Prévieux approaches various gestures of today that were predicted by science fiction films, and those of the American choreographer Martha Graham, whose representative and Company went to court to try to determine to whom the choreographies belonged. 

This living extension of a dialogue fixed in time by the video therefore makes it possible to update technological developments that are both frightening and fascinating.

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