Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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29 April 2019 News flash

Principality of Monaco re-elected to Chairmanship of EUTELSAT IGO Assembly of Parties

From left to right: Alexandre Vallet, Chief of the Space Services Department, Radiocommunication Bureau at the International Telecommunication Union; Jean-François Bureau, Director of Institutional and International Affairs at Eutelsat S.A.; Frédéric Labarrère, Chair of the EUTELSAT IGO Assembly of Parties; Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski, Executive Secretary of EUTELSAT IGO; Patrick Masambu, Director General of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO), Captain Moin Ahmed, Director General of the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO). Photo credit: @Eutelsat-IGO

A Monegasque delegation* took part in the 41st meeting of the Assembly of Parties of the European Satellite Telecommunications Organisation (EUTELSAT IGO) held in Paris on 10 and 11 April 2019.

At the meeting, Frédéric Labarrère, Minister Counsellor and Chair of the Assembly since March 2017, was re-elected to his position for a further two years by representatives from the European member states of this intergovernmental organisation.

During the opening of the Assembly, several high-level participants spoke about the political, economic and technological context of satellite telecommunications.

Experts considered numerous questions over the two days of the Assembly, including issues relating to the use of radio frequencies, intentional interference with programmes broadcast by satellite, and EUTELSAT IGO’s involvement in the UN Commission that aims to bridge the digital divide.

The European Telecommunications Satellite Organisation was founded in 1977 and established the first telecommunications satellite system in Europe. In 2001, the organisation changed its status and formed the company Eutelsat S.A., a satellite operator, to which its operational and commercial activities were transferred.

* The Monegasque delegation comprised H.E. Mr Christophe Steiner, the Principality of Monaco’s Ambassador to France, Frédéric Labarrère, Minister Counsellor, and Sybille Projetti, Second Secretary at the Embassy of the Principality of Monaco in France.


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