Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
27 November 2020 News flash

Conference on Domestic Violence in the Context of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

From left to Right: Robert Gelli, Secretary of State for Justice, Laurent Anselmi, President of the Women's Rights Committee, Pierre Dartout, Minister of State and Céline Cottalorda, Country Women's Rights Officer ©Government Communication Department/ Manuel Vitali

The Women's Rights Committee held a conference at Monaco's Vocational and Catering School (Lycée technique et hotelier de Monaco) on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Entitled "Justice in the Face of the Challenges of Domestic Violence," it was led by the Secretary of State for Justice, Robert Gelli, and took place in the presence of the Minister of State, the President of the National Council, Government Ministers, dignitaries representing the Prince's Cabinet  and the City Hall, members of the Women's Rights Committee and representatives of the judiciary, among others.  This conference was also open to the public.

At this event, the President of the Women's Rights Committee, Laurent Anselmi, announced the tabling by the Prince's Government of a Bill to reform the provisions relating to the criminalisation of sexual assault. 

This Bill is the result of joint discussions between the Women's Rights Committee and the Department of Justice.  Its aim is to ensure better enforcement of penalties for sexual offences and recognition for the victims of these crimes.


Further information and queries:  0800 91 90 10 (free, anonymous calls 7 days a week)

AVIP www.avip-monaco.org | 93 25 00 07 | avip@monaco.mc

In case of emergency:  17 or 93 15 30 15 | sos-violences@gouv.mc

It is possible to report incidents to any pharmacy in Monaco

For more information, see www.dfm.mc

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