Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
14 June 2018 News flash

Lecture Art and Human Rights European Court of Human Rights - Strasbourg

© - Fondation Prince Pierre

As part of the Prince Pierre Foundation's "Outside the Walls" lectures, Guido Raimondi, President of the European Court of Human Rights (since 2015) and Dean Spielmann, former President (2012 - 2015), spoke at this institution in Strasbourg on the subject of "Art and Human Rights." 

The last lecture of the season will take place on 6 July in Matignon in the Côtes-d'Armor.

It will be given by Thomas Fouilleron, Director of the Archives and Library of the Prince's Palace and will be on the subject of:

Princes and Princesses of Monaco - The Advent of a Dynasty (13th – 21st Centuries).

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