Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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02 May 2018 News flash

Prince’s Government and Bioforce team up to support training for humanitarian sector in Africa

Last month, the Prince’s Government and the Bioforce Institute established a three-year partnership to develop training for humanitarian aid and development aid management professionals in West and Central Africa.

The Bioforce Africa Centre in Dakar, co-funded by the Prince’s Government. ©DR

At the end of 2016, major humanitarian NGOs[1] noted a clear shortage of the qualified staff needed to respond to crises linked to conflicts and/or climate change in West and Central Africa.

In response to this appeal, the Bioforce Institute, the leading provider of training and vocational guidance for the humanitarian sector, based in Vénissieux, France, decided in 2017 to open a second centre in Dakar, Senegal.

With financial support from Monaco’s Official Development Assistance Program over the next three years, the Bioforce Africa Centre will be able to expand its programme of training for the humanitarian sector, enabling international and local organisations operating in the region to increase their capacity. More than 1,800 people and 80 organisations will benefit from training courses delivered between now and 2020.

This regional centre also represents hope for an entire new generation of young Africans who want to train, find a job and contribute to their country and to their region.

For more information, see: www.institutbioforce.fr/

[1]  www.institutbioforce.fr/sites/default/files/lettre_acteurs_humanitaires_afriq_ouest_centrale.pdf  (French)

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