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- Modernising the Administration
Modernising the Administration
A more effective and more approachable Administration
A modern State must offer an organisation and services that meet the expectations and challenges of its population. The roadmap issued by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince on 2 July 2010 includes, in this regard, a significant segment on the modernisation of the Administration and its relationships with users.
To achieve success in this endeavour, the Prince's Government has initiated a proactive overhaul focused on three main areas.
The first area of this modernisation project deals with human resources and concerns all Government officials. Whilst continuing work initiated several years ago (training, job specifications, mobility, the status of civil servants, etc.), these initiatives are enhanced by the deployment of new projects, headhunting and training young executives with high potential.
The second area which underpins the whole modernisation project concerns a complete overhaul of relationships between the Administration and users. In addition to the option to perform certain formalities from your own home, the whole chain of access for users is being redefined. Contact with users will be improved, on a human level, as part of simplified procedures on more friendly premises.
Transitioning to the use of e-Government forms the third area of modernisation, and is a corollary of the second. To be more accessible to all, the State aims to have an innovative online presence. A new information and service portal, online forms and e-procedures, and access to a wide range of documentation are key improvements. Click here to find out more
It is not forgotten that modernisation concerns the whole population, including foreign nationals in contact with the State.
To be effective in the future, modernisation must include an assessment of public policy.
- The Extended Monaco digital programme
- Modernising the Administration
- Digital Security: a challenge for the future
- Assessment of public policies
- Protection of personal data
- The Administration's eco-responsibility
- The duty of remembrance
- Public finance – meeting challenges more effectively
- The Public Service
- Monaco's image