Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
28 June 2018 News flash

New website and address for Tourist and Convention Authority


The website for tourism in Monaco, www.visitmonaco.com , managed by the Tourist and Convention Authority, recently got a makeover. With a new look, new functionality and more integration with social media, the website now features more editorial content in the form of articles and videos. The new website has been designed for visitors and customers, and to support joint work with the Principality’s tourism partners.

The Tourist and Convention Authority has undergone more than just a virtual change, with the majority of the Tourism Department teams also having moved to new premises in Athos Palace on 2 Rue de la Lüjerneta in Fontvieille.

After 47 years in the legendary Monte-Carlo building, this represents a new departure for those who promote the Principality on the international stage.

There will be no confusion for tourists, however, since the public information and welcome office will remain in the same location, at 2A Boulevard des Moulins in Monaco.

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