Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
03 July 2017 News flash

Mercantour Dream Warrior Rally Raid arrives in Place du Palais

©Palais princier / Gaëtan Luci

After leaving Saint-Dalmas-de-Tende on 23 June, the Mercantour Dream WarriorRally Raid reached Place du Palais on Saturday 1 July. The 12 participants (nine soldiers and three civilians), including Monegasque resident René Luzi, and their support teams were welcomed by the Sovereign Prince.

The Rally Raid, organised by the “Au-delà de nos handicaps” (“Beyond our Handicaps”) association, chaired by Major General (2nd Section) Georges Lebel, aims to enable people with disabilities to push themselves and enjoy unforgettable experiences in the great outdoors. Travelling on small electric Mobile Dream quad bikes specially adapted for those confined to a wheelchair, or electric mountain bikes in the cases of those whose injuries are psychological (post-traumatic stress disorder), the participants covered a distance of 230 kilometres and 7,000 metres in elevation across the Mercantour mountains.

Website: http://www.mercantourdreamwarriors.audelahandicaps.fr (French only)


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