Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
10 September 2018 News flash

Back to school in the Principality

© Direction de la Communication - Michael Alesi

Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport, was at Ecole de la Condamine this morning as pupils returned for the start of the new academic year. 

Last year, Ecole de la Condamine was the pilot school for a new uniform scheme, with pupils in years 2, 3 and 4 (CP, CE1 and CE2) trialling a dress code. Following positive feedback from parents, the pilot will now be extended to all pupils at the school. 

In addition, the 169 children in Ecole de la Condamine’s nursery classes (ages 3 to 5) will now attend Ecole Stella, a newly opened school which has allowed the Government to improve conditions for primary pupils in the Condamine district by significantly increasing the space available. 

Accompanied by Minister of the Interior Patrice Cellario, Isabelle Bonnal then visited Ecole FANB and Lycée Albert I. 

This year, 5,749 pupils (4,501 in state-run schools and 1,248 in private schools operating under contract) embarked on the new school year, supervised by 846 staff, including 509 teachers.

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