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05 September 2018 News flash

Presentation of Monegasque team selected for European Traffic Education Contest

Légende photo : à gauche, Pauline Cazes et Aaron Thoreux-Josso à droite, Nicolas Rinaudo, Giulia Martin et Fernand Hilaire (Prévention routière monégasque) © Direction de la Communication / Michael Alesi

The team of young pupils from the Principality who will compete in the 33rd European Traffic Education Contest in Budapest in September has just been officially unveiled. 

Comprising two girls, Pauline Cazes (Collège FANB) and Giulia Martin (Collège Charles III), and two boys, Nicolas Rinaudo (Collège Charles III) and Aaron Thoreux-Josso (Collège FANB), all aged between 10 and 12, the team’s members were selected through a variety of theoretical and practical tests on road safety. 

The European Traffic Education Contest, sponsored by the Automobile Club of Monaco and the Monegasque Road Safety Association, receives support from the Department of Education, Youth and Sport and the Police Department. It is held in a different European city every year, and this year it is the turn of Budapest in Hungary. 

After an introductory parade, the young competitors will need to prove their skills in practical tests involving cycling, handling a bike and following traffic signs, as well as theoretical tests based on observation and dangers of the road. A drawing competition, the theme for which will be revealed at the last minute, completes the tests. After the results have been announced and the medals presented, an evening celebration will be held to honour all participants.

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