Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
24 May 2017 News flash

Three New International Monaco Volunteers on the African continent

Florestan Fillon (on the far left), Monaco International Volunteer working at the High Commissioner for Refugees in Tunisia

As part of its volunteer programme, the Department of International Cooperation has recently recruited 3 new Monaco International Volunteers (Volontaires Internationaux de Monaco) (VIM), in Senegal, Burkina Faso and Tunisia.  These volunteers provide valuable support to partners of Monaco's Department of international Cooperation.

Julie Dutertre began her mission at the House of Rugby in Dakar, Senegal, which is involved in the education, training and social integration of vulnerable boys and girls.  Recruited as Assistant Director, Julie will support the Director with the management of this educational centre.

As Project Manager, Pauline Ducreux's mission will be to help launch the Loumbila Multipurpose Training Centre in Burkina Faso, which is currently being assembled.  This project represents a second life for Monaco Pavilion's at the Expo Milano 2015.  The infrastructure, which is the result of a partnership between the Monegasque Red Cross and the Burkina Faso Red Cross, is expected to be inaugurated in late 2017.

Finally, Florestan Fillon, who was formerly a Monaco International Volunteer in Mongolia, where he was developing a specialised centre for children with disabilities, has now been assigned to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Zarzis, Tunisia. In particular, this 33-year-old Monegasque national will be responsible for assessing the protection and assistance requirements of refugees and asylum seekers in the region and overseeing the implementation of assistance programmes.

A total of 9 VIMs will be working in the field in June 2017.

To find out more about the VIM programme, see: www.cooperation-monaco.gouv.mc

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