Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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18 April 2018 News flash

11th Young People's Social and Economic Council

La Séance Plénière de la 11e édition du Conseil Économique et Social des Jeunes © Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

The Plenary Session of the 11th Young People's Social and Economic Council was held today at the Economic and Social Council (CES).

At this meeting, chaired by Didier Linotte, President of the Supreme Court and patron of this year's meeting, in the presence of Isabelle Bonnal, Director of Education, Youth and Sport and Michel Gramaglia, Vice-President of the CES, thirty or so pupils, divided into four groups, took it in turn to present projects that expressed their wishes, namely:

  • Wish No. 2018-48 relating to the creation of a Menton-Monaco-Nice sea route – a "shuttle of the seas,"
  • Wish No. 2018-49 relating to setting up facilities for young people on the roof of public buildings,
  • Wish No. 2018-50 on amendments to legislation on smoking in the Principality,
  • Wish No. 2018-51 relating to the creation of a Humanitarian and Environmental Trail.

As a reminder, students enrol in this project on a voluntary basis, as part of an option at the beginning of the school year.  They are supervised by teachers and members of the CES, and meet with government and private officials to create their application file.

Following this ceremony, the CES conveys these wishes to the Government, which endeavours, where practicable, to put them into practice.

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