Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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News of theme "Princely Governement"
30 June 2021 News flash

Reconciling the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing with the rule of law

Didier Ribes, Vice-President of the Supreme Court of Monaco (in the foreground on the left), Robert Gelli, Secretary of Justice (in the foreground on the right), Didier Linotte, President of the Supreme Court of Monaco (in the background on the left), and Michel Hunault, Director of SICCFIN (in the background on the right). © Government Communication Department / Manuel Vitali

President of the Supreme Court of Monaco Didier Linotte, Vice-President Didier Ribes, Secretary of Justice Robert Gelli and SICCFIN Director Michel Hunault gathered on 29 June for an initial informal and symbolic meeting in the specific context of the MONEYVAL National Risk Assessment (NRA) in the Principality. Their shared goal is to combat money laundering while continuing to respect the basic rights of taxpayers.

“The courts are independent but this does not mean that they are not aware that they are part of the State. It is therefore natural that all State authorities which, regardless of their competences, have remits that are, if not identical, then at least similar, and in any case aligned, should meet,” emphasised Didier Linotte following the tripartite event which money laundering and terrorist financing were extensively discussed. “The Principality’s considerable efforts to combat money laundering, including a strengthening of SICCFIN’s operational role and the concern, shared by the courts, to ensure effectiveness, operate with respect for basic rights and freedoms, in accordance with the will of the Council of Europe,” Robert Gelli explained. “An effective battle fought within the rule of law.” Michel Hunault confirmed: “The financial intelligence unit must carry out its remit while respecting the rights guaranteed by the justice system. The Supreme Court and the judicial authorities are demanding overseers... It was in this spirit that we held our meeting.”

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