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12 November 2024 Press release

The Principality of Monaco steps up its digital transformation for employment with new online services for employers and jobseekers

Programme Emploi et Numérique © Stéphane Danna - Direction de la Communication

As part of its Extended Monaco programme launched in 2019, the Prince’s Government continues its transformation of the employer and jobseeker experience.

On Tuesday 12 November, Christophe Robino, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, and Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Officer for Attractiveness and the Digital Transition, presented a series of new online services for employment in the Principality to the media in the presence of Pascale Pallanca, Director of Employment, Magali Imperti, Deputy Director of Employment, Julien Dejanovic, Director of Digital Services and Emmanuelle Cellario-Florio, Head of the Employment Office.

These new services aim to provide this Department, which is in constant contact with economic stakeholders in the Principality, with new, effective, easy-to-use tools that offer advanced features for simplified and digitalized services to employers and jobseekers, with several key objectives:

  • use advanced digital tools to facilitate employer and jobseeker processes;
  • use technology developed by the Prince’s Government.

These services are now available on a special page on MonGuichet.mc, the Principality’s digital administrative services portal.

They satisfy expectations of employers who require simplicity and efficiency in the recruitment process, and initial presentations of the new tools received positive feedback from employers. This positive reception should be confirmed when the services are actually used.

The programme to develop the recruitment tools involves several stages:

  1. November 2024: launch of the first online services
    • Modernisation of the Department of Employment business tool: these improvements will enhance the efficiency of employer/jobseeker interaction.
    • Launch of “Employer” and “Jobseeker” spaces on MonGuichet.mc: these portals will allow users to submit, consult and manage employment offers in real time, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
    • Publication of job offers on MonServicePublic.mc: after a period of exclusive access, offers will be accessible to all applicants to ensure that opportunities in the Principality are as visible as possible.


2. End 2025: new and enhanced digital services

- A 100% digital recruitment process: The entire process, from applications to recruitment, will be entirely digital.

- Launch of a first iteration of the online CV library: jobseekers registered at the Employment Office will be able to publish their CVs online along with connections with employers.


3. 2026: Digital work permits

- The last phase of this gradual transformation will be the launch of the digital work permit.


Christophe Robino, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, highlighted the importance of “modernising the tools of the administration and particularly the Employment Department and Employment Office in order to offer employers and jobseekers a response that meets their expectations. This ultimately means a rapid, secure and pertinent solution for the many different situations that arise in employer and jobseeker relations.”


Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Officer for Attractiveness and the Digital Transition, highlighted the importance of these changes: “The digital transformation of our public services contributes significantly to the attractiveness of the Principality. Monaco attracts talent from around the world every year, jobseekers looking for a dynamic and agile environment. Modern digital services, simplified procedures and enhanced security makes Monaco a world reference in connected and accessible employment.”

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