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D. Gamerdinger,CHPG - Didier Gamerdinger, accompagné de Patrick Bini, échange avec le Pr Saoudi et ses équipesCrédit photo : © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication

Visit by Mr. Didier Gamerdinger to the CHPG

09 June 2017 Social Affairs and Health Press release

Following his recent appointment, Mr. Didier Gamerdinger, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, wished to make his first visit to the CHPG without delay.This establishment is a key player in the Principality's health policy.On his arrival at the hospital, the Minister, accompanied by the Director, Mr. Patrick Bini,...

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Club de l'Eco Monaco - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Monaco Eco Club on the Subject of Niche Markets

09 June 2017 The Economy News flash

This morning, Monaco Eco Club held a breakfast meeting on the theme of "Monaco, a Niche Market." The speakers included businessman Riccardo Giraudi, Deputy Chairperson of the Giraudi Group, one of the leading European importers of high-quality meats, who spoke on Monaco's specificities for business heads w...

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ACCOBAMS Monacology - The ACCOBAMS educational workshop at the Monacology EcoVillage ©DR

ACCOBAMS – Cetaceans Day - Thursday 8 June 2017, MONACOLOGY Village

08 June 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On 8 June 2017, on World Oceans Day, ACCOBAMS celebrated Cetaceans Day, as part of Monacology. The Monacology EcoVillage was founded in 2004 with the support of the Department of Education, Youth and Sport and takes place every year on the Quai Antoine 1er. This year, the main theme of this Monegasque environmental...

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Voir la photo - © DR

French Language Competition of the Association of Members of the Order of Academic Palms

08 June 2017 Youth Press release

Every year, the Association of Members of the Order of Academic Palms organises a competition inviting French-speaking pupils from many different countries to pay tribute to the French language and French culture.Thirty or so secondary school pupils and high school students from the Principality took part in the 201...

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Questionnaire en ligne 2017

Developing e-Government - The Government at Your Service

06 June 2017 A Modern State Press release

As part of the modernisation of the Administration and continued improvements to the Prince's Government's websites, you are invited to complete an anonymous questionnaire to let us know your opinion, so we can best meet your needs.

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