Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Valérie Bruelle Melchior - Valérie Bruell-Melchior, Vice-Président de la 2ème Commission de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies chargée des questions économiques et financières ©DR

Assemblée générale des Nations Unies Valérie Bruell-Melchior, Vice-Présidente de la Commission des questions économiques et financières

06 June 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

L’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a procédé, le mercredi 31 mai 2017, à l’élection du Président de son bureau, S.E. M. Miroslav Lajčák, ainsi que des bureaux des grandes commissions pour sa 72ème session qui débutera en septembre prochain.A cette occasion, Valérie Bruell-Melchior, Ministre Conseiller à la Missi...

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Voir l'affiche - © DR

Cultural Associations Forum - 10 and 11 June 2017 – Rainier III Auditorium

06 June 2017 Culture News flash

The 6th Cultural Associations Forum, organised by the Department of Cultural Affairs, will take place on 10 and 11 June 2017 from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. at the Rainier III Auditorium.At this Forum, the public will be able to find out about the diversity of the cultural associations in the Principality by meeting member...

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Voir la photo - © Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication

Double Exhibition at the Villa Sauber – NMNM

02 June 2017 Culture News flash

The two new exhibitions by the NMNM - Villa Sauber continue to reflect on the archives and the relationship with the past, as portrayed in the exhibitions " LAB- Behind the Scenes of Monaco Museum of Art" and "Hercule Florence. The New Robinson" in particular. Two artists, who have both been work...

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OMS Paludisme  - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Monaco and the WHO are Working with the Sahel Countries to Eradicate Malaria

02 June 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On Thursday 1 June 2017, Ms. Isabelle Rosabrunetto, Director General of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, opened a meeting held by the World Health Organization on the eradication of malaria in the Sahel, in the presence of Dr. Magda Robalo, Director of the Communicable Diseases Cluster at the WHO's Regional Office f...

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Conf DAC - ©Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Summer Season of the Department of Cultural Affairs

02 June 2017 Culture News flash

Patrice Cellario, Minister of Interior, Jean-Charles Curau, Director of Cultural Affairs, FrançoiseGamerdinger, Deputy Director, Olivier Vernet, Artistic Director of the Organ Festival and Jo Bulitt, Programmer for the Fort Antoine Theatre Season, have just presented the forthcoming events organised by the Departmen...

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