Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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sport ONU - De gauche à droite : M. Edmond Mulet, Chef de Cabinet du Secrétaire-général, S.E. Mme Isabelle Picco, Représentante permanente de Monaco auprès des Nations Unies et M. Maher Nasser, Directeur de la sensibilisation du public des Nations Unies ©PFPhotoAgency

Spotlight on sport in Monaco at the UN

05 April 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

To celebrate the third International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, the Monaco Crossroad for Sports photo exhibition was opened on Thursday 31 March by H.E. Ms Isabelle Picco, Monaco’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and Mr Edmond Mulet, the Secretary-General’s Chef de Cabinet.Representative...

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concours photo RAMOGE

2016 photo competition – 40 years of RAMOGE: the Mediterranean in all its guises

05 April 2016 Monaco Worldwide Press release

As part of the celebrations of its fortieth anniversary, the RAMOGE Agreement is launching a photo competition open to everyone.Since 1976, the RAMOGE Agreement has been a tool for scientific, technical and administrative cooperation between the governments of Monaco, France and Italy to protect and preserve the mar...

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Conseil de l'Europe droits enfant 2016 - From left to right:  Ms. Renata Szczêch, Vice-Minister of Employment and Family and Social Affairs, Poland;  Mr. Kai-Morten Terning, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Children , Equality and Social Inclusion, Norway;  Mr. Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation;  Ms. Pernilla Baralt, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Sweden and Ms. Regina Jensdottir, Head of the Children's Rights Division and coordinator of the Programme "Building a Europe for and with Children" ©DR

Children's Rights: Gilles Tonelli Takes Part in a Council of Europe Conference

05 April 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, accompanied by H.E. Mr. Rémi Mortier, Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, is taking part in a high-level Conference of the Council of Europe entitled "Reaching the Heights for the Rights of the Child," which is taking place in Sofia on 5 and 6...

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Ambassade Italie Peace sport - De gauche à droite (points rouges) : Gérard Holtz, Rédacteur en chef du Service des sports de France Télévision ; Yvet Lalova-Collio, Athlète bulgare, Audrey Alloh, Athlète italo-ivoirienne ; Bruno Molea, Vice-Président de la Commission Culture Science et Education de la Chambre des Députés italienne ; Amalia Daniela Renosto, Déléguée du Québec à Rome ; Laurent Dupont, Directeur Peace and Sport, Monaco, André Richelieu, Professeur Expert en marketing du sport, Université du Québec à Montréal ; Martine Garcia, Ambassade de Monaco en Italie ©Andrea Martella – Ambassade de Monaco en Italie

Monaco takes part in Journées de la Francophonie in Italy

05 April 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On 22 March, Monaco’s Embassy in Italy participated in the round table organised in Rome to mark the end of the Journées de la Francophonie celebration of French language on the theme “Franco + Sport for Peace”.To mark the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (5–21 August) and Paralympic Games (7–18 September), the Group of Franc...

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ALPARC Council Meeting

04 April 2016 The Environment Press release

The ALPARC Council Meeting will be held on 7 and 8 April in Monaco. Established in 1995, ALPARC – the Alpine Network of Protected Areas – brings together 34 organisations which manage protected areas within the region covered by the Alpine Convention. It is the largest federation of protected areas in the Alps.

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