Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Featies danse - ©Michal Batory

F(ê)aites de la Danse: 8 days to go! They’ll teach you to dance

23 June 2017 Culture Press release

Organised by the Prince’s Government, Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer and the Ballets de Monte-Carlo on Saturday 1 July, F(ê)aites de la Danse will be a unique opportunity for professional dancers and the public to mix. Some of the professionals will be making themselves available to those who would like to lea...

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CIO journeeoulympique - Les Olympiens monégasques échangent sur leurs expériences sportives et l’impact des valeurs Olympiques avec les jeunes athlètes ©Manuel Vitali – Direction de la Communication

Les jeunes athlètes de la Principauté participent à la journée olympique

22 June 2017 News flash

Ce mercredi, sur la piste d’athlétisme du Stade Louis II, le Comité Olympique Monégasque (COM) invitait les jeunes athlètes des fédérations sportives de Monaco à prendre part à la Journée Olympique.À cette occasion, S.A.S. le Prince Souverain, et Madame le Secrétaire Général du Comité Olympique Monégasque, S.E. Mme...

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Accréditations Kosovo qatar - From left to right:  H.E. Mr. Petr Drulak, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic;  H.E. Mr. Qëndrim Gashi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kosovo;  Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation;  H.E. Dr. Khalid Bin Rashid Salem Al-Mansouri, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Qatar and H.E. Mr. Guillaume Dighiero Arrarte, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay ©Government Communication Department/Charly Gallo 

Diplomacy – Accreditation Kosovo - Czech Republic - Qatar - Uruguay

22 June 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On Thursday 22 June 2017, at a lunch held at the Hermitage Hotel, Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, received H.E. Mr. Qëndrim Gashi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kosovo; H.E. Mr. Petr Drulak, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Repub...

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Voir la photo - © Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication

Information Meeting on Cyber Risks and the Legislative Measures Implemented

22 June 2017 Security News flash

The Prince's Government believes that the Monegasque cyberspace, which is a vector of growth, must be a place that is a safe, reliable and viable over the long term. Via the Ministry of Interior and the Monaco Cyber Security Agency (AMSN), it recently held an information meeting for Critical Infrastructure Operators...

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Saison 2017-2018 TPG - ©Direction de la Communication / Charly Gallo

Presentation of the Princess Grace Theatre's 2017/2018 Season

21 June 2017 Culture Press release

The Princess Grace Theatre's 2017-2018 season has just been announced by FrançoiseGamerdinger, Deputy Director of Cultural Affairs, in the presence of PatriceCellario, Minister of Interior and Jean-Charles Curau, Director of Cultural Affairs. The season will feature no less than 28 shows and performances by many ren...

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