Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Expo bicentenaire carabiniers - ©Direction de la Communication/Charly Gallo

Exposition du Bicentenaire des Carabiniers du Prince

13 June 2017 Culture News flash

A l'occasion de la célébration du Bicentenaire des Carabiniers du Prince, le Palais Princier organise une exposition temporaire au sein de sa bibliothèque, mettant en lumière les deux cents ans d'histoire de la compagnie.Uniformes, documents d'archives, tableaux, portraits et montage audiovisuel évoqueront les diffé...

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La Poste 1 - Copyright - DR

Service de proximité à la demande La Poste Monaco

13 June 2017 News flash

Pour satisfaire les souhaits exprimés par ses clients Entreprises et Particuliers, La Poste Monaco propose à sa clientèle un nouveau service de proximité à la demande : la livraison à domicile après commande de produits dédiés à l’affranchissement et Prêts à expédier.La commande est possible par le biais des facteur...

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Ouverture Pavillon Astana - His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain visiting Monaco's Pavilion©MIE

Official Opening of Monaco's Pavilion at the Astana EXPO 2017

12 June 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The "Astana EXPO 2017" Special Exhibition officially opened on Saturday 10 June in the Republic of Kazakhstan.On the first day of opening, His Majesty King Felipe VI honoured us with a visit to Monaco's Pavilion. The King of Spain was welcomed by Alexandre Bocquillon, Deputy Commissioner of the Pavilion.On...

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Featies danse - ©Michal Batory

"F(ê)aites de la danse" Dance Festival Only 20 Days until the Grand Dance Night in Monaco

12 June 2017 Culture Press release

On Saturday 1 July, Monaco will celebrate dance with an all-night event for the public, entirely devoted to this art form.The "F(ê)aites de la danse" dance festival arose from the shared wish of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, the Prince's Government and the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer to create a lar...

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Babyloan 2 - Arnaud Poissonnier, Founding President of Babyloan©Government Communication Department/Manuel Vitali

Babyloan Campaign New Solidarity Challenge for the Monegasque Administration

12 June 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

Following the success of the first Solidarity Challenge, which was initiated by the Department of International Cooperation in June 2016, the Prince's Government is launching a new version of the challenge, in which members of the Administration will be able to participate, from 12 to 30 June 2017.

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