Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Construction pavillon ASTANA - Akhmetzhan Yessimov, President of the Astana EXPO-2017 company, visiting Monaco's Pavilion @MIE

Astana EXPO-2017 Special Exhibition - The EXPO President Visits Monaco's Pavilion

17 May 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

On Friday 12 May 2017, Alexandre Bocquillon, Deputy Commissioner of the Pavilion, welcomed the President of the Astana EXPO-2017 company, Akhmetzhan Yessimov, to Monaco's Pavilion.Mr. Bocquillon and his team gave a detailed presentation of the concept developed by Monaco on the theme of the EXPO, "Reflecting th...

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CATTP illustration - Copyright - DR

6th Inter CATTP Day (Day Therapies Activity Centre)

16 May 2017 Social Affairs and Health Press release

For many years, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs has been working on behalf of children with psychological difficulties and/or learning disabilities and their families. It was therefore associated with the organisation of the 6th Inter CATTP Day, which will take place on Thursday 18 May 2017 in the Principa...

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Shooting photo Mr One Teas - Copyright - Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Photo Shoot at the CHPG by the Monegasque Artist Anthony Alberti, alias "Mr One Teas" "A Breath of Positivity on the Construction Site"

15 May 2017 Social Affairs and Health News flash

On Thursday 11 May, in connection with construction work on the new hospital, Monegasque artist Anthony Alberti, alias "Mr One Teas" initiated a photo shoot at the Princess Grace Hospital. This participative approach was instigated by the Prince's Government via the creation of an urban work that is intend...

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Voir la photo - © Manuel Vitali - Direction de la Communication

Monaco Info consacre une émission à Hercule Florence

15 May 2017 Culture News flash

Les téléspectateurs de Monaco Info pourront découvrir l’exposition du Nouveau Musée National de Monaco (Villa Paloma) «Hercule Florence. Le nouveau Robinson» dans l’émission «La Table des Matières», qui sera diffusée le mercredi 17 mai après le JT de 19 heures.

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Monaco Sénégal - Ms Rosabrunetto and H.E. Ms Coll Seck sign the renewal of the agreement on support for the fight against sickle cell disease in Senegal until 2020 © DR

Joint Press release - Principality of Monaco and Senegal cooperate in fight against sickle cell disease

12 May 2017 Monaco Worldwide Press release

As part of efforts to strengthen cooperation between Monaco and Senegal, a Monegasque delegation* travelled to Dakar from 8 to 10 May 2017 for a working visit focused on the fight against sickle cell disease.

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