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Tripartite Meeting on Negotiations with the European Union Monaco, Andorra and San Marino

30 May 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

En marge des Jeux des Petits Etats d'Europe, le mardi 30 mai 2017, Serge Telle, Ministre d'Etat et Antoni Martí Petit, Chef du Gouvernement de la Principauté d’Andorre, ont été reçus en Audience privée par leurs Excellences les Capitaines Régents de St Marin.

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IMSEE Publishes a Focus on Education

30 May 2017 News flash

The Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE) has just published a Focus on Education. This publication shows that, as of 31 December 2016, 6,328pupils, from nursery school to Year 13, are enrolled in the various establishments in the Principality (70% in the State sector).Boys are slightly mor...

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CSC rapport 2016 - Photo caption: H.S.H. Prince Albert II and Mr Jean-Pierre Gastinel, Chairman of the Board of Auditors – © Gaetan Luci / Prince’s Palace

Board of Auditors submits 2016 Annual Public Report to H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince

30 May 2017 Press release

On 19 May 2017, the Chairman of the Board of Auditors submitted to H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince the 2016 Annual Public Report, approved by the Principality’s supreme public auditing institution on 3 April 2017.In accordance with the Sovereign Ordinance dated 2 July 2008, the report details the activities of the Board...

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CP Recensement 2016 - Georges Marsan, together with Lionel Galfré, Director of the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE), presented the initial results of the 2016 Census at a press conference © Manuel Vitali – Government Communication Department

Initial results of 2016 Census

30 May 2017 News flash

Today, Mayor of Monaco Georges Marsan, together with Lionel Galfré, Director of the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE), presented the initial results of the 2016 Census at a press conference.Accompanied by members of the Council of the Commune and IMSEE staff who were involved in the cen...

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Infiorata Noto 1 2017 BD - Decorations in Nicolaci Street with motifs relating to the Principality of Monaco by Richard Seren ©DR

La Principauté de Monaco à l’honneur dans la ville de Noto (Italie)

29 May 2017 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The Principality of Monaco is Honoured in the City of Noto, ItalyOn Saturday 20 May, H.E. Mr. Robert Fillon, Ambassador of Monaco to Italy, representing H.S.H.the Sovereign Prince, inaugurated the "infiorata di Noto." The Monegasque delegation, comprised of Mr. Guy Antognelli, Deputy Director of Monaco Tou...

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