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Ouverture ACCOBAMS - H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince at the opening of the Sixth Meeting of the Parties to ACCOBAMS © Government Communication Department / Charly Gallo

ACCOBAMS celebrates 20th anniversary

22 November 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The Sixth Meeting of the Parties to ACCOBAMS opened on Tuesday 22 November 2016 in the presence of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, the Minister of State and many other key figures. The meeting will close on 25 November.ACCOBAMS will celebrate its twentieth anniversary on 24 November. The aim of this intergovernmental a...

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DCI Liban Gebran Bassil - De gauche à droite : Joseph Hayek, Assistant de M. El Khoury ; Laetitia Vecchierini, responsable des programmes au Liban; Emilie Larese-Silvestre, Coordinatrice des programmes ; Bechara El Khoury, Consul honoraire de Monaco au Liban ; Gebran Bassil, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères de la République libanaise ©DR

Cooperation Mission in Lebanon

21 November 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

The department of International Cooperation made a visit to Lebanon from 7 to 10 November 2016 to strengthen institutional links with the Lebanese Government and monitor projects that are supported by the Prince's Government.During this mission, Emilie Larese-Silvestre, Programme Coordinator and Laetitia Vecchierini...

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Temps presse 2016 - © Direction de la Communication / Charly Gallo

"No Time Left" Festival A Thousand of the World's Children are Members of the Jury

18 November 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

More than 1,000 children from Monaco, France and countries in which Monaco's Official Development Assistance intervenes are taking part as the jury this year at the "No Time Left" short film festival, which is supported by the Prince's Government.The "No Time Left" festival is part of a political...

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Tournée DTC Corée du Sud et Taïwan - La délégation monégasque et les invités lors de la "Soirée Monaco" à Séoul. De gauche à droite : M. Guy Antognelli, Adjoint au Directeur de la DTC; M.Seok-Joh Hong, Consul Honoraire de Monaco en Corée du Sud; Mme Hyun, PDG de Hyundai; Mme et M. Ju, Ancien Ambassadeur de Corée du Sud en France et à Monaco, Mme Isabelle Han, Relation Presse Airbus Corée du Sud et M. Benoit Badufle, Directeur Asie du sud Est de la DTC.

Tourist and Convention Authority conducts promotional tour in South Korea and Taiwan

18 November 2016 Monaco dans le Monde Press release

From 7 to 11 November, the Tourist and Convention Authority held its first road shows in Seoul, South Korea and Taipei, Taiwan.Guy Antognelli, Deputy Director of the Authority, was accompanied on the tour by Benoît Badufle, Director of the South-East Asia and China Offices, and their respective teams. During the eve...

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Monaco participe à la 2ème Session ordinaire du Conseil d’administration du Programme Alimentaire Mondial - Mme Martine Garcia, Représentant suppléant adjoint près la FAO/PAM, Mme Adama Diop Faye, Directrice du Bureau de liaison du PAM en France et S.E. M. Robert Fillon, Ambassadeur de Monaco en Italie, Représentant permanent près la FAO/PAM ©DR

Monaco Takes Part in the 2nd Ordinary Session of the Executive Board of the World Food Programme

18 November 2016 Monaco Worldwide News flash

From 14 to 17 November 2016, Monaco took part in the work of the 2ndSession of the Executive Board of the World Food Programme (WFP), which adopted its Strategic Plan for 2017-2021, which sets out programming by country, as well as its Financing Framework.

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