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signature accord Conseil Europe 2018 - H.E. Mr. Rémi Mortier, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Principality of Monaco to the Council of Europe, and Ms. Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe  ©DR

Signature of a Bi-annual Cooperation Agreement between Monaco and the Council of Europe

14 May 2018 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On Wednesday 9 May, H.E. Mr. Rémi Mortier, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Principality of Monaco to the Council of Europe, and Ms. Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, signed a bi-annual co-operation agreement between Monaco and the Organisation.Through this agr...

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5ème réunion Accord de Paris à Bonn - 200 countries, including the Principality of Monaco, are gathering in Bonn until 10 May 2018 - DR

The Department of the Environment Takes Part in the 5th Meeting of the Working Group on the Paris Agreement in Bonn

11 May 2018 Press release

The Department of the Environment is taking part in the 5th meeting of the working group on the Paris Agreement, the first stage of a crucial year in combating climate change. The aim of the meeting is to develop rules for the implementation of the Agreement, which must be finalised for consideration and adoption by...

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Visite Souverain Canada - H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince meets Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau © Prince’s Palace/Frédéric Nebinger 

.S.H. the Sovereign Prince pays working visit to Ottawa, Canada

11 May 2018 Monaco Worldwide News flash

H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the first time at the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa on Monday 7 May 2018 during a visit to Canada’s capital.The Prince and the Prime Minister, who share an interest in environmental issues, discussed the commitments made as part of the Paris...

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Bourses d’étude en hôtellerie à Bamako - The eight young graduates from SOS Villages d’Enfants Mali who received grants from Monaco’s Official Development Assistance © SOSVE-2018

Grants to study hospitality in Bamako

08 May 2018 Monaco Worldwide News flash

Eight young Malians from SOS Villages d’Enfants Mali recently earned a professional qualification in the hospitality industry thanks to study grants awarded by Monaco’s Official Development Assistance.

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Centre Bioforce Afrique©Bioforce - The Bioforce Africa Centre in Dakar, co-funded by the Prince’s Government. ©DR

Prince’s Government and Bioforce team up to support training for humanitarian sector in Africa

02 May 2018 Monaco Worldwide News flash

Last month, the Prince’s Government and the Bioforce Institute established a three-year partnership to develop training for humanitarian aid and development aid management professionals in West and Central Africa.

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