Gouvernement Princier de Monaco
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Conseil Administration du PAM - Yordanos Pasquier, Senior Programme Manager at the Department of International Cooperation and H.E. Mr. Robert Fillon, Ambassador of Monaco to Italy, Permanent Representative to the Rome-based Multilateral Organisations ©DR

Monaco Takes Part in the Annual Session of the Executive Board of the World Food Programme (WFP)

17 June 2019 Monaco Worldwide News flash

A Monegasque delegation, comprised of H.E. Mr. Robert Fillon, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Rome-based multilateral organisations and Ms. Yordanos Pasquier, Senior Programme Manager at the Department of International Cooperation, attended the annual meeting of the Executive Board of the World Food Prog...

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RAMOGE - Cataetix laticeps, poisson osseux des profondeurs ©Exploration RAMOGE IFREMER

"From the Coast to the Abysses" Day - The Results of the RAMOGE 2018 Exploration Campaign

14 June 2019 Monaco Worldwide Press release

On Saturday 8 June, to mark World Oceans Day, the RAMOGE Agreement held an awareness-raising day entitled "From the Coast to the Abysses." This event, hosted by the City of Cannes at the Espace Miramar, was an opportunity to raise awareness among the general public of the beauty and fragility of the underw...

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RAMOGE Régate - ©DR

The RAMOGE Agreement Takes Part in the Rolex Giraglia Regatta

14 June 2019 Monaco Worldwide News flash

For the first time, a crew from the RAMOGE Agreement took part in the Rolex Giraglia regatta, setting off from Saint Tropez on Wednesday 12 June. The sailors arrived in Monaco on Friday 14 June, having completed this human adventure, with its focus on cohesion, with some wonderful memories. Like the Rolex Giraglia,...

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RAMOGE AGREEMENT - Public survey on Ostreopsis ovata microalgae

06 June 2019 Monaco Worldwide Press release

As part of its efforts to monitor Ostreopsis ovata microalgae, the RAMOGE Agreement is participating in the European research project CoCliME. The aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of an increase in toxic algae on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts as the climate changes. This will help public authoritie...

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Accord Palu Monaco OMS - H.E. Ms Carole Lanteri, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Principality to the Office of the United Nations in Geneva ©DR

WHO and Monaco forge new partnership to end malaria in the Sahel

29 May 2019 Monaco Worldwide News flash

In light of the fact that Africa accounts for 93% of global malaria deaths, the Principality of Monaco and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa have forged a new partnership aimed at eventually eradicating the disease on the continent.The partnership was signed on Tuesday 28 May 2019 at the...

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